A man and a kitty are crying at the window,
Its glass being washed by a cheerless rain.
To the man and the kitty an ambulance’s speeding
The man is so sickly with his cramped brain.
The medicinal powder the doctor’s carrying hurriedly
Through the snowy expanses making thus his way
The man and the kitty both will take that powder
Their anguish and sadness will then go away
The man and the kitty count the days hardly
There’s a grey ceiling instead of the sky
The man and the kitty in their dreams are flying
Their dreams non-prophetic scarcely help to fly.
Get rid of a barrage! Hurry up the white carriage!
In the gents the man’s crying out of his wits.
But the walls can’t hear. Nobody’s near.
The waste tank looks rabid, sort of heart it beats.
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1 билет стоит 1 Smile. Минимальное количество заказа - 15 билетов. Срок действия билета — 5 дней.