What do you wanna make those eyes at me for,
if they don‘t mean what they say.
Ooh, they make me glad, they make me sad,
they make me want a lot of things that I never had.
You‘re fooling around with me now,
oh, you lead me on and then you run away,
Oh, that‘s alright,
Источник teksty-pesenok.ru
I‘ll get you a lonesome night,
and baby you‘ll find you‘re messing with dynamite,
so what do you wanne make those eyes at me for,
if they don‘t mean what they say.
Repeat entire song 2 times.
If they don‘t mean what they say,
If they don‘t mean what they say, yeah!
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Текст песни добавил(а) ROLLER 20.11.2018 г.
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