I saw the danger the day we met her
No passing stranger who could forget her
Their glance was fleeting
But told a story
And that chance meeting
Meant heartaches for me
Natalie, Natalie
You are young
You are free
You don‘t love him
And it could never be
He is all I live for
Please send him back to me
I‘ll understand him
I know his feelings
He‘s only human
He thinks he loves you
I tried to hate you
And wish you bad things
O god forgive me
And love her sad thing
Natalie, Natalie
You are young
You are free
You don‘t love him
And it could never be
He is all I live for
Please send him back to me
Natalie, Natalie
You are young
You are free
You don‘t love him
And it could never be
He is all I live for
Please send him back to me
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Текст песни добавил(а) Elnara 27.08.2014 г.
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