I’ve been cruisin’
Down the same road too long
In overdrive
I’ve been driving
On the wrong damn side of the road
I’ve been flyin’
Down this freeway of love
All night long
An indication for the right side
Step out
In the overtaking lane on the outside
In the overtaking lane on the outside
I’ve been driftin’
Round the same bends too long
Spinnin’ out, Spinnin’ out
Spinnin’ out, Spinnin’ out
Step out
In the overtaking lane on the outside
In the overtaking lane on the outside
Step out
In the overtaking lane on the outside
In the overtaking lane on the outside
Step out
In the overtaking lane on the outside
In the overtaking lane on the outside
Spinnin’ out, Spinnin’ out
Spinnin’ out, Spinnin’ out
Spinnin’ out!
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Текст песни добавил(а) 8911083 01.05.2023 г.
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