Curly locks
Now that I'm a dreadlock
Your mama say you shouldn't play with me
But it's alright
Curly locks
Now that I'm a dreadlock
Your mama say you shouldn't play with me
The sun is shining
The breeze is blowing too
And all I got inside me is lots of love for you
It's true
Curly locks
Now that I'm a dreadlock
Your mama say you shouldn't play with me
But it's alright
Curly locks
Now that I'm a dreadlock
Your mama say you shouldn't play with me
She is a? mad
She is a walking dead
I am a living woman
Who's got lots of plans, it's true
Curly locks
Now that I'm a dreadlock
Your mama say you shouldn't play with me
Curly locks
Now that I'm a dreadlock
Your mama say you shouldn't play with me
Thank you, thank you for the letter
You make me feel better
Ti ta to
That's the way it's gonna go now
Curly locks
Two roads before you
Which one will be your choice
I really wanna know now
Curly locks
Your father is a porkchop
He don't want you dealing with me
Thank you, thank you for the letter
You make me feel better
Ti ta to
That's the way it's gonna go now
Curly locks
Two roads before you
Which one will be your choice
I really wanna know now
Curly locks
Your father is a porkchop
He don't want you dealing with me
Oh curly locks
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Текст песни добавил(а) look 09.07.2021 г.
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