Astronaut is my job, always on the air
This is what I care for,
I’ve got to get there
There’s no other way to get myself together
Each and every single day
I’m feeling better
Sometimes I feel lonesome,
I don’t really care
One more mission
How to tell you people, it would blow your mind
Outer space is a wall, emptiness behind
Sliding in a soundless motion,
I hold my breath
Will I see the Earth again,
I’m facing my death
I’m a crazy person I don’t really care
One more mission
No hope, I’m afraid I know
I can’t be saved
No peace in my mind
Till I find what is behind
Just one more mission
My ship is my prison, wandering in the air
Don’t know which dimension,
I’ve never been there
Empty, lonely, endless days since
I left my base
Will I find the passage back or will
I erase Seems like I’m a loser,
I don’t really care
One more mission
No hope, I’m afraid I know
I won’t be saved
No peace in my mind
Till I find what is behind
Just one more mission
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Текст песни добавил(а) AS-ket 13.12.2022 г.
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