Hope Of Deliverance
I will allways be hoping, hoping
You will allways be holding, holding
My heart in your hand
I will understand
I will understand, some day, one day
You will understand, allways, allways
From now until then
When it will be right, I don‘t know
What it will be like, I don‘t know
We live in hope of deliverence
From the darkness that surrounds us
Hope of deliverence, hope of deliverence
Hope of deliverence from the darkness
That surrounds us
And I wouldn‘t mind knowing, knowing
That you wouldn‘t mind going,
Going along with my plan
When it will be right, I don‘t know
What it will be like, I don‘t know
We live in hope of deliverence
From the darkness that surrounds us
Hope of deliverence, hope of deliverence
Hope of deliverence from the darkness
That surrounds us
Hope of deliverence
Hope of deliverence
I will understand
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Текст песни добавил(а) dodexis 30.05.2013 г. Корректировал(а) dodexis
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