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Песня месяца
Январь 2025 года
dragpushВ далёких мирах град на холме

Баллов: 986

  0—9 А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Э Ю Я
  0—9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  
  Georg Friedrich Handel (Гендель)
Again heavn smiles      
Ah mio cor schernito sei      
All the earth doth worship thee      
All they that see him      
All we like sheeps      
Amen, alleluia       Есть текст Есть ноты или партитуры  записей вокала: 1
And he shall purify      
And the glory of the lord      
And with his stripes      
Bat who may abide      
Behold a virgin shall conceive      
Behold and see      
Behold the lamb of god      
Behold, i tell you a mystery      
But jephta comes      
But thanks be to god      
But thou didst not leave      
Cherub and seraphim      
Comfort ye      
Day by day we magnify thee      
Deeper, and deeper still      
Dignare       Есть текст  записей вокала: 1
Domine deus      
Doubtful fear and revrent      
Dull delay, in piercing      
Et in terra pax      
Every valley shall be exalted      
First perish thou      
For behold, darkness      
For joys so vast      
For unto us a child is born      
Freedom now once more      
Fronde tenere...ombra ma fu      
Glad tidings of great joy      
Gloria in excelsis      
Glory to god      
Hail,glorious conqueror      
Halleluiah        записей вокала: 1
Happy they      
Happy this embassy      
He shall feed his flock      
He that dwelleth in heaven      
He trusted in god      
He was cut off      
He was despised      
His mighty arm      
His yoke is easy      
Horror, confusion      
How beautiful are the feet      
I go my soul inspird      
I know that my redeemer liveth      
If god be for us      
If such thy cruel purpose      
If, lord, sustaind      
Ill suits the voice of love      
In glory high, in might serene      
In quetle muemurs      
It maust be so      
Laschia ch'io pianga       Есть текст  записей вокала: 4
Laschia chio pianga       Есть текст  записей вокала: 2
Lascia chio pianga        записей вокала: 3
Laud her,all ye virgin train      
Laudamus te      
Let all the angels      
Let us break their bonds      
Lift up your heads      
Make them to be numbered      
No more to ammons      
O death,where is thy sting      
O god, behold our sore distress      
O lord, in thee have i trusted      
O thou tellest good tidings (part 1)      
O thou tellest good tidings (part 2)      
Oh,spare your daughter      
Ombra mai fu       Есть текст  записей вокала: 3
On me let blind mistaken zeal      
Open thy marble jaws      
Passakalia        записей вокала: 1
Per rapir quel...un cenno leggiadretto      
Piangero la sorte mia      
Pour forth no more      
Priva son dogni conforto      
Qui tollis peccata mundi      
Quoniam tu solus      
Rejoice greatly      
Say, my dear mother      
Scenes of horror      
Since by man came death      
Sinfonia 2      
Sinfonia pastorale      
Some dire event      
Such news flies swift      
Such, jephtha, was the haughtly      
Surely he hath borne our grieft      
Take the heart you fondly      
The glorious company of the apostles      
The lord gave the word      
The people that walked in darkness      
The smilling dawn      
The trumpet shall sound      
Their sound is gone out      
Theme sublime of andless      
Then shall be brought to pass      
Then shall the eyes of the blind      
Then shall the eyes...he shall feed      
There were shepherds      
These labours past      
Thou art gone up on high      
Thou art the king of glory      
Thou shalt break them      
Thou sittest at the right hand      
Thus saith the lord      
Thy rebuke hath broken      
Tis said, affend, ye chieft      
Tis, well, haste, haste      
To thee all angels cry aloud      
To thee cherubim and seraphim      
Tune the soft melodious      
Twill be a painful separation      
Unto which of the angels      
Up the dreadful steep      
Va godendo      
Va tacito e nascosto      
Vadoro pupille      
Virtue my soul shall still      
Voglio che sia lindegno      
Vouchsafe, o lord      
We praise thee, o god      
We therefore pray thee      
Welcome as the cheerful light      
Welcome thou, whose deeds      
What mean these doubtful      
When his load voice      
When thou hadst overcome      
When thou tookest upon thee      
Why do the nations      
Why is my brother thus afflicted      
Worthy is the lamb      
Ye house of gilead      
Zebul,thy deeds were vaiant      

Наш танец
Тишман Марк
За того парня
Лещенко Лев
Сладкий мёд
Антонов Юрий
Антонов Юрий
Огромное небо
Бернес Марк
Кораблик бумажный
Перекресток семи дорог
Машина времени
Дай ему сил
Степанов Александр
Вместе мы обязательно будем
Бублик Михаил
My Way
Frank Sinatra
Весна любви
Сергей 7642
За того парня
Фрадкин Марк
Идет солдат по городу
Шаинский Владимир
Говорят мы бяки-буки
Бременские музыканты
Яблоки на снегу
Муромов Михаил
Дай нам, Боже
Пугачева Алла
Павшим друзьям
Носков Николай
За волю
Слуцкий Игорь
Антонов Юрий
Золотое сердце
Михайлов Стас
Третий тост
Маршал Александр
Ты мой рай
Голубев Олег
Опустевший вокзал
Кемеровский Евгений
werv & Sommer_rain
Андреева Паулина
Круг Михаил
Я всегда с тобой
Варум Анжелика
Phoenix-13 & ZeVS7
Шак Олег
Мирза Владимир
Я сам по себе
Медяник Владислав

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