I will go to the consequence of love
Whatever come, what may you see,
The game for me is you
I will fight for the right to be your love
No matter what they say, you see, the game for me is you
I begin to hate
Time and distance
'Cause it makes me wait
It's all I seem to do
I will go to the consequence of love
Whatever come, what may you see,
The game for me is you
I will fight for the right to be your love
No matter what they say, you see,
The game for me is you
I begin to hate
Time and distance
'Cause it makes me wait
It's all I seem to do
I'll anticipate
With all my patience
'Cause it makes me wait
Coming home to you
I will go to the consequence of love
Whatever come, what may you see, the game for me is you
I will fight for the right to be your love
No mattet what they say, you see,
The gain for me is you
The gain for me is love
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Текст песни добавил(а) alvar 13.02.2021 г.
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