Look at the weather, look at the news
Look at all the people in denial
We're running time, leaving grace
Still we worship at the marketplace
While common sense is goin' out of style
I thought that I would be above it all by now
In some country garden in the shade
But it's business as usual Day after day
Business as usual Just grinding away
You try to be righteous You try to do good
But business as usual Turns your heart into wood
Monuments to arrogance reach for the sky
Our better nature's buried in the rubble
We got the prettiest White House that money can buy
Sitting up there in that beltway bubble
The main jefe talks about our freedom
But this is what he really means...
Business as usual How dirty we play
Business as usual Don't you get in the way
Yeah, make you feel helpless Make you feel like a clown
Business as usual Is breakin' me down
Boy, you can't go surfing in Century City
Yeah, them sharks out there are lurking beneath the curb
Yeah, they rob you blind, chew you up, and it aint pretty
and its soul suckin' soul suckin' Soul suckin', soul suckin' world
Business as usual Day after day
Business as usual Feel like walking away
A barrell of monkeys Or band of renown
Business as usual Is breakin' me down
Breakin' me down
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Текст песни добавил(а) 8911083 01.05.2023 г.
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