Turn the music way down low
Let me see you in the glow
In the fire light you are shining
Though it’s much too soon to know
If this love I feel will grow
Let’s take tonight to start out finding
Cause the way I feel tonight
Everything will be alright
I will keep your candle burning
yes the way I feel tonight
Everything will be alright
And the way I feel tonight, I love you
Close the door and turn the key
Open up your heart to me
I can see your love light glowing
Let your body melt to mine
Let us taste each other’s wine
Till the cup is overflowing
Cause the way I feel tonight
Everything will be alright
I will keep your candle burning
yes the way I feel tonight
Everything will be alright
And the way I feel tonight, I love you
Cause the way I feel tonight
Everything will be alright
I will keep your candle burning
yes the way I feel tonight
Everything will be alright
And the way I feel tonight, I love you
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