You had plenty money
Nineteen twenty two
You left over weamen make or
Full of you
Why don’t you do right?
Like some other men do?
Get out of here and
get me some money too
Yo’sittin’ down wondering
what it’s all about
If you ain’t got no money
they will put you out
Why don’t you do right?
Like some other men do?
Just get out of here and
get me some money too
If you had prepared
twenty years ago
You wouldn’t have wand’ring
now from do’to do’
Why don’t you do right?
Like some other men do?
Get out of here and
get me some money too
Why don’t you do right?
Like some other men do?
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Текст песни добавил(а) ElenaNN 09.03.2013 г.
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