Mi aghjik ka mer bakum, Na dashnamur e nvagum, Inz tesnum e hervic, ir champan e tequm. Henc qaylum em ir koghqov Nexanum, heranum e, mi xosqov, Es sirum em nran, chi ancnum da nra mtqov. Inch anem, chgitem, vor na Indz barev ta ev imana, Vor sirum em iren?! Mama, de asa hima. El inch anem, chgitem, vor na Inz barev ta ev imana, Vor sirum em iren?! Mama, de asa hima, Mama, de asa hima, mama. Hey! Lsir du erge ays, Grel em ayn, vor imanas` Kan khagher ashkharhum, bayc indz het ches khaghum. Chem sirum nvage qo, Aravotic minch ereko Parapum es, isk es tarapum em anverj ayspes. Inch anem, chgitem, vor na Indz barev ta ev imana, Vor sirum em iren?! Mama, de asa hima. El inch anem, chgitem, vor na Inz barev ta ev imana, Vor sirum em iren?! Mama, de asa hima, Mama, de asa hima, mama. =================================== There's a girl in our yard That plays piano, She notices me coming towards her and changes the route. As I walk beside her, She gets offended and leaves me, Well, in a word, I love her and it doesn't even come across her mind. What should I do to make her greet me And know that I love her?! Mama, give me a piece of advice. What should I do to make her greet me And know that I love her?! Mama, give me a piece of advice, Mama, give me a piece of advice, mama. Hey! Listen, please, to this song That I wrote for you to know That there are so many games in the world, but you never play with me. I just hate the music That you play from the dawn till the sunset. It endlessly hurts. What should I do to make her greet me And know that I love her?! Mama, give me a piece of advice. What should I do to make her greet me And know that I love her?! Mama, give me a piece of advice, Mama, give me a piece of advice, mama. Скачано с сайта www.Muza.vip