They'll say, no one can see us That we're estranged and all alone They believe nothing can reach us And pull us out of the boundless gloom They're wroîîng They're wrong They're wrong Yeah, baààby, they're wrong They're wrong They're wrong They'll say the sun is dying And the fragile can't be saved And the cold, it will devour us And we won't rise up and slay giants They're wrong They're wrong They're wrong Yeah, baby, they're wrong They're wrong They're wrong ÏÐÎÈÃÐ ÌÀË 2 It taààààààkes a leap of faith To awaàààààke from these delusions You are the codÅr and avatar A staàààààààààààr They'll say, no one will find us That we're estranged and all alone They believe nothing can reach us And pull us out of the boundless gloom They're wrong They're wrong They're wrong Baby, they're wrong They're wrong They're wrong Ñêà÷àíî ñ ñàéòà