Kad' ljudi vide me znam ja da pomisle da ono najgore ipak sam prosla Dobro se pretvaram sve zivo zavaram a svaka pomoc bi dobro mi dosla Secanja sam zaledila al' nisam bol pobedila Ref. Ne mogu vise da zadrzim bol ne pomazu tablete uz sav alkohol i placem, miso moj, placem pred strancima jos ukus tuge pece na mojim nepcima Ne mogu vise da zadrzim bol ma, neka sam sto puta ja slabiji pol i kada ostarim, i kad' posivi sve oci ce mi biti od placa crvene Nadas se, ne nadas al' ne mozes da znas koliko koraka ko od nas ima I kada prodje sve i kad' sve nestane ostaju oziljci u nama svima Secanja sam zaledila al' nisam bol pobedila Ref. ********************* When people see me I know they think That I've been through The hardest of times anyway I pretend well I trick everyone But every bit of help Would be welcome I've frozen my memories But I haven't overcome the pain Ref. I can't withhold the pain no longer The pills don't help along with all that alcohol I cry, my Misa, I cry in front of strangers The taste of sorrow still burns my palate I can't withhold the pain no longer Well, let me be the weakest sex (a houndred times) And when I grow old, and when everything turns to gray My eyes will be red from crying You hope, you don't hope But you can't know How many steps One of us has left And when everything passes And when everything vanishes Scares remain In all of us I've frozen my memories But I haven't overcome the pain Ref. Скачано с сайта www.Muza.vip