1. Take off your shoes and dance, ready for big romance;
Sex on the beach, tequila all day…
Evening with purple wine, oh, baby take your time,
Where are you from I want you to say?
Paris, New York, Zaire, all of our friends are here,
Girl, it’s a time for you and for me!
Give me your hand and heart, I’ll be your perfect part.
Welcome to paradise of my dream!
Chorus: Hola, Hola, Hola,
Hello Americana!……………Puerto Rico, Ecuador,
Ay, bambina Italiana………..Ti amo, miî amore.
Hello Americana!………….....Kiss me baby all night long,
Oh, Francesa I Cubana………….I love you more and more…
2. Russia, Brazil, Japan- all just a having fun,
Ola, Bonjour, Que pasa, Hello!
Bachata, Mambo, Merengue, love, and shiny stars above
I'll give you baby, don't let me go!
Oh, what a crazy eyes, waiting for big surprise.
Tell me a secret I want to know!
Whisper I feel your lips, it's just a simple kiss,
Please hold me, baby don't let me go!
Chorus: Hola, Hola, Hola,
Hello Americana!……………Kiss me baby all night long,
?Oh, que pasa, Ìejicana! ………..Te quiero, mi amor.
Hello Americana!………….....Puerto Rico, Ecuador baby,
Al, habibi i Cubana…
If you’re looking for exotic time, sleep at night on golden sand,
Give me all your love so I can be so high,
And this love will never end…
Ñòðàíèöà ñ mp3: